Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Should Parents Spank Their Children

Should Parents Spank Their Children?

As a parent who helped raise five kids, I understand the importance of disciplining a child as he grows up. Without discipline a child is very likely to become an adult who doesn't respect authority nor is respectful of others.

But many types of discipline are available and a parent must decide which form of correction he or she wants to implement and which will work the best. Here are a few of the popular types of child discipline:
  • Spanking
  • Timeouts
  • Grounding
  • Reasoning
  • Scolding
  • Taking privileges away
It's possible to use a mixture of these. Parents need to remember that each child is a unique individual and should be disciplined in a way that is effective for his or her personality.

I discovered a great website that discusses the topic of child discipline in detail. It does a good job of answering the question, "should parents spank their children?"  You can see it by clicking the link below: